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产品名称: 镍铬

发布日期: 2014-12-18

点击数: 2214




Alloy Nomenclature Nomenclatur
Cr15Ni60 Cr20Ni80 Cr30Ni70 Cr20Ni35
Main Chemical Composition
Si 0.75~1.60 0.75~1.60 0.75~1.60 0.75~1.60.
Cr 15.0~18.0 20.0~20.3 28.0~31.0 18.0~24.0
Ni 55.0~61.0 余量 Rest 余量 Rest 32~38
Fe 余量 Rest 余量 Rest
元件最高使用溫度(℃ )
Max.Continuous service temp of element
1150 1200 1250 1000 `1300
熔點(℃ )
Melting point
1390 1400 1380 1390 1455
電阻率(20℃ )
(Ωmm²/m) Resistivity at 20℃
1.11~1.15±0.05 1.09~1.14±0.05 1.18~1.20±0.05 1.04±0.05 <0.15
密度 Density(g/cm3) 8.2 8.4 8.1 7.9 8.9
線膨脹系數(20~ 1000℃)
Coefficient of linear expansion(2×10 -6/℃)
13.0 14.0 17.1 13.0
specific heat
0.46 0.44 0.46 0.49
coefficient of thermal conductivity
12.65 16.75 12.56 15.12
延伸率% Elongation at rupture  ≥ 20  ≥ 20 ≥ 20 ≥ 20 ≥ 20
磁性能 Magnetic Properties 無磁性 non-magnetic 無磁性 non-magnetic 無磁性 non-magnetic 無磁性 non-magnetic 磁性 magnetic
顯微組機 Micrographic structure 奧氏體 austenitic 奧氏體 austenitic 奧氏體 austenitic 奧氏體 austenitic


元件最高使用溫度 1150℃
Max.continuous service temp 1150℃

Resistivity at 20℃1.11-1.15±0.05Ωmm²/m

Density 8.2g/cm³

不同工作溫度時的電阻修正系數 Ct=Rt/R20
To obtain resistivity at working temerature multiply by the factor

t℃ 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Ct 1.000 1.002 1.005 1.008 1.012 1.023 1.024 1.026 1.028 1.030 1.032

Main characteristics according to the wire diameters
線徑 (mm) Diameter 截面積(mm²) Cross sectional 每米表面積Surface per meter(cm²/m) 每米質量(kg/m) Quality per meter 每千克長度(m/kg) Length per kilogram 20℃每米電阻(Ω/m) Resistance per meter at 20℃ 20℃每歐長度(m/Ω) Length per ohm at 20℃
0.10 0.0078 3.14 0.000064 15527 142.6 0.00701
0.12 0.0113 3.77 0.000093 10783 99.0 0.01010
0.15 0.0177 4.71 0.000145 6901 63.4 0.01578
0.17 0.0227 5.34 0.000186 5373 44.1 0.02270
0.19 0.0284 5.97 0.000232 4301 39.5 0.02530
0.21 0.0346 6.60 0.000284 3521 32.3 0.03090
0.25 0.0491 7.85 0.000403 2484 22.8 0.04380
0.27 0.0573 8.48 0.000469 2130 19.6 0.05112
0.29 0.0661 9.11 0.000542 1846 17.0 0.05900
0.31 0.0755 9.74 0.000619 1616 14.8 0.06739
0.35 0.0962 11.00 0.000789 1268 11.6 0.0859
0.40 0.1257 12.57 0.00103 970 8.91 0.1122
0.45 0.1590 14.14 0.00130 767 7.04 0.1420
0.50 0.1963 15.71 0.00161 621 5.70 0.1753
0.60 0.283 18.85 0.00232 431 4.07 0.2459
0.70 0.385 22.0 0.00316 317 2.99 0.3346
0.80 0.503 25.1 0.00412 243 2.29 0.4371
0.90 0.636 28.3 0.00522 1917 1.81 0.5532
1.00 0.785 31.4 0.00644 155.3 1.464 0.683
1.20 1.131 37.7 0.00927 107.8 1.017 0.983
1.40 1.539 44.0 0.01262 79.2 0.747 1.339
1.60 2.01 50.3 0.01648 60.7 0.572 1.748
1.80 2.54 56.5 0.0209 47.9 0.452 2.213
2.00 3.14 62.8 0.0258 38.8 0.366 2.732
2.20 3.80 69.1 0.0312 32.1 0.303 3.306
2.50 4.91 78.5 0.0403 24.8 0.234 4.268
2.80 6.16 88.0 0.0505 19.80 0.1868 5.35
3.00 7.07 94.2 0.0580 17.25 0.1627 6.15
3.50 9.62 110.0 0.0789 12.68 0.1195 8.37
4.00 12.57 125.7 0.1031 9.70 0.0915 10.93
4.50 15.90 141.4 0.1304 7.67 0.0723 13.83
5.00 19.63 157.1 0.1610 6.21 0.0586 17.07
5.50 23.80 172.8 0.1945 5.13 0.0484 20.66
6.00 28.30 188.5 0.232 4.31 0.0407 24.59
6.50 33.20 204 0.272 3.68 0.0347 28.85
7.00 38.50 220 0.316 3..17 0.0299 33.46


元件最高使用溫度 1200℃
Max.continuous service temp 1200℃

Resistivity at 20℃1.09-1.14±0.05Ωmm²/m

Density 8.4g/cm³

不同工作溫度時的電阻修正系數 Ct=Rt/R20
To obtain resistivity at working temerature multiply by the factor

t℃ 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Ct 1.000 1.002 1.005 1.008 1.012 1.023 1.024 1.026 1.028 1.030 1.032

Main characteristics according to the wire diameters
線徑 (mm) Diameter 截面積(mm²) Cross sectional 每米表面積Surface per meter(cm²/m) 每米質量(kg/m) Quality per meter 每千克長度(m/kg) Length per kilogram 20℃每米電阻(Ω/m) Resistance per meter at 20℃ 20℃每歐長度(m/Ω) Length per ohm at 20℃
0.10 0.0078 3.14 0.000056 15158 138.78 0.0072
0.12 0.0113 3.77 0.000095 10526 96.38 0.0104
0.15 0.0177 4.71 0.000148 6737 61.68 0.0162
0.17 0.0227 5.34 0.000191 5245 48.02 0.0208
0.19 0.0284 5.97 0.000238 4199 38.44 0.0260
0.21 0.0346 6.60 0.000291 3437 31.47 0.0318
0.25 0.0491 7.85 0.000412 2425 22.21 0.0450
0.27 0.0573 8.48 0.000481 2079 19.04 0.0525
0.29 0.0661 9.11 0.000555 1802 16.50 0.0606
0.31 0.0755 9.74 0.000634 1577 14.44 0.0692
0.35 0.0962 11.00 0.000808 1237 11.33 0.0883
0.40 0.1257 12.57 0.00106 947 8.67 0.1153
0.45 0.1590 14.14 0.00134 749 6.85 0.1459
0.50 0.1963 15.71 0.00165 606 5.55 0.1801
0.60 0.283 18.85 0.00238 421 4.00 0.250
0.70 0.385 22.0 0.00323 310 2.94 0.341
0.80 0.503 25.1 0.00422 237 2.25 0.445
0.90 0.636 28.3 0.00534 187.1 1.78 0.563
1.00 0.785 31.4 0.00659 152.3 1.44 0.695
1.20 1.131 37.7 0.00950 105.3 0.999 1.001
1.40 1.539 44.0 0.01293 77.4 0.734 1.36
1.60 2.01 50.3 0.01683 59.2 0.562 1.78
1.80 2.54 56.5 0.0214 46.7 0.444 2.25
2.00 3.14 62.8 0.0264 37.9 0.360 2.78
2.20 3.80 69.1 0.0319 31.3 0.297 3.36
2.50 4.91 78.5 0.0412 24.3 0.230 4.34
2.80 6.16 88.0 0.0517 19.34 0.184 5.45
3.00 7.07 94.2 0.0594 16.84 0.160 6.26
3.50 9.62 110.0 0.0808 12.38 0.118 8.44
4.00 12.57 125.7 0.1056 9.47 0.0907 11.02
4.50 15.90 141.4 0.1336 7.49 0.0717 13.95
5.00 19.63 157.1 0.1649 6.06 0.0581 17.22
5.50 23.80 172.8 0.1996 5.01 0.0480 20.84
6.00 28.30 188.5 0.237 4.21 0.0403 24.80
6.50 33.20 204 0.279 3.59 0.0344 29.11
7.00 38.50 220 0.323 3.09 0.0296 33.76
鎳 — 鉻 高 電 阻 電 熱 合 金
Ni—Cr—High Resistance Alloys for Electrical Heating
鎳 高 電 阻 電 熱 合 金 主 要 性 能
Main Performance of lli—Cr—High Resistance Alloys for Electrical Heating
性能 Performance 牌號 Alloy Nomenclature Nomenclatur Cr15Ni60 Cr20Ni80 Cr30Ni70 Cr20Ni35
主要化學成份 Main Chemical Composition Si 0.75~1.60 0.75~1.60 0.75~1.60 0.75~1.60.
Cr 15.0~18.0 20.0~20.3 28.0~31.0 18.0~24.0
Ni 55.0~61.0 余量 Rest 余量 Rest 32~38
Fe 余量 Rest 余量 Rest
元件最高使用溫度(℃ ) Max.Continuous service temp of element 1150 1200 1250 1000 `1300
熔點(℃ ) Melting point 1390 1400 1380 1390 1455
電阻率(20℃ ) (Ωmm²/m) Resistivity at 20℃ 1.11~1.15±0.05 1.09~1.14±0.05 1.18~1.20±0.05 1.04±0.05 <0.15
密度 Density(g/cm3) 8.2 8.4 8.1 7.9 8.9
線膨脹系數(20~ 1000℃) Coefficient of linear expansion(2×10 -6/℃) 13.0 14.0 17.1 13.0
比熱(KJ/kg.k) specific heat 0.46 0.44 0.46 0.49
道熱系數(W/m.k) coefficient of thermal conductivity 12.65 16.75 12.56 15.12
延伸率% Elongation at rupture  ≥ 20  ≥ 20 ≥ 20 ≥ 20 ≥ 20
磁性能 Magnetic Properties 無磁性 non-magnetic 無磁性 non-magnetic 無磁性 non-magnetic 無磁性 non-magnetic 磁性 magnetic
顯微組機 Micrographic structure 奧氏體 austenitic 奧氏體 austenitic 奧氏體 austenitic 奧氏體 austenitic

